Sunday, October 18, 2009

Apple Hill

Ever since we moved to Davis last year we have been hearing about Apple Hill. It's this 10-mile region in the Sierra foothills where you can drive from one apple orchard to the next within minutes. Each one has something different to offer like craft fairs, hay mazes, pumpkin patches, animal farms, food, cider, and of course lots of different kinds of apples. You can go and pick your own off the tree. We decided to go yesterday with my brother and his family who are Apple Hill veterans and could take us right to the best spots. It was so fun! I am not really a "let's go for a drive" kind of a girl. I'd rather walk or bike through the scenery, but I did not mind this drive because it was so beautiful-the leaves were changing colors and I loved looking at all the cute little "farms". I would highly recommend an excursion to Apple Hill to anyone who is nearby. Buy some apples. Make apple pie. It is so good.

Ava loved the animals the best.

My nieces, Alli and Kate, enjoy some caramel apples.


Jo Lynn said...

so glad you went to apple hill, was it not awesome or what? I hope you had some apple donuts!

Meghan said...

Becky - your family is so cute! We definitely miss our old next door neighbors! Good times in HS :) Glad to hear you guys are doing well in CA!

Ashley Clark said...

How fun! Up until now I've thought Ava looked more like you, but she is completely BJ's twin in that second photo. :)

miriam said...

Oh my gosh- Apple Hill- our family went when I was like 10 and we still laugh about how it was our WORST family vacation- it seemed like we were driving for 7 hours and it was raining...

Now thinking of visiting an orchard to pick apples sounds like so much fun! Thanks for bringing back the memories!

SBB said...

Holy cow, your nieces are getting so big! How old are those two now?

Chris and Devrey said...

you need to post more often!! these pics are so cute:) apple hill is way fun to go to each fall!