Sunday, October 18, 2009


Had a good summer.
Considering my average, it is totally fitting for me to post about the summer in the middle of October. It was a good one. Here are some highlights.

In May we went on a camping trip to Oregon, Washington, and Vancouver Island. We got to stay with our friends Doug and Ashley in Seattle and they took us to Pike Place where we saw the fish guys throw fish across the walkway.

In July we went to our first-ever family reunion on my side. We played kickball, tug-o-war, had apple peeling contests, ate delicious food, and had a great weekend with everyone together. This picture makes me realize my family is getting huge... and I still have 3 siblings without any kids yet. It is awesome. I went to Capitola with my sisters, sisters-in-law, my mom, and all their kids. I played on the beach like a silly little kid again.

Had a great time at my sister-in-law's wedding in Utah.

Said goodbye to my little sister, Katie who headed off to college for the first time. Every time I go visit my parents it is weird to realize again that she's not there. Can't believe my little sister's off on her own now. Sniff. In August, I celebrated my 25th birthday by taking myself down to the local Claire's to get my ears pierced-for the first time in my life. It was great to spend an evening with the 12 year old's perusing the plastic jewelry selection. Although the sales lady assumed we were there to get Ava's ears pierced, we decided to let her decide if she wants to wait until 25 too. I think it is fun.


Unknown said...

beck! You are so pretty! I just love you so SO SO MUCH!

Marin said...

haa haaa BECKY that is awesome that you got your ears pierce at 25!! I got mine pierced for the first time when i was 24 years old!!! I was totally freaking out!! But now I am a WOMAN!! haa haa!! Yeah I am all about waiting for our daughters to decide when they want to get them! WHat cute pictures! Ava is so beautiful as well as the rest of your families!! Looks like you guys had such a great SUMMER!!

Jess said...

I remember that Sunday in church when you shared about the ear piercing at Claires. Cracked me up, remembering being 12 sitting in that chair, and then OUCH! Man, that hurts! LOL Glad you can wear fun earrings now ;) I agree with the babies :) And what an awesome summer! Great pics!

SBB said...

You got your ears pierced? Congrats! I forgot you didn't have them. It can be fun.